Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Wednesday November 27

ago gratias - I give thanks
agiS gratias - you give thanks
agiT s/he give thanks
agiMUS - we give thanks
agiTIS  you (plural) give thanks
aguNT - they give thanks

Go to and find the Latin for five things you give thanks for. 

Then post them here in Google Classroom

Practice the vocabulary for Chapters 6-7 of Ego Polyphemus with this Quia Exercise
06-07 Vocabulary Ego Polyphemus (unlimited attempts)

Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving Break. I also hope to see you on Monday.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Monday-Tuesday November 25-26


This Quizlet set asks you to identify which character is described and what s/he says in the story

05-07 Ego Polyphemus. Quis est? Quis dicit?With a partner, find the answer in chapters 5-7. Record the question and the page on which the answer appears.

Direct link to text Ego Polyphemus

Continue translating and post your work in Google Classrom

Take the vocabulary quiz on words from Chapters 1-5, Ego Polyphemus

Continue reading and translating in pairs or small groups Ego Polyphemus

Post your group's work in Google Classroom. 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thursday November 21 -Friday November 22

All those who submitted translations did great work! Now where are the rest of you?

Link to text, Ego Polyphemus

Task 01

Link to quizlet sets for Polyphemus.

Study vocabulary for chapters 1-4 using the Quizlet sets. Copy the vocabulary into your notebooks.

Task 02
Take the verb quiz for Ego Polyphemus in Quia

Task 03
 Then continue reading and translating Ego Polyphemus. You need to finish translating at least chapters 1-4 by Monday. 
Take a picture of your translation work and post it in Google Classroom. 

Use the dictionary


HOMEWORK: Quiz on Monday on Chapters 1-4 Ego Polyphemus

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Wednesday 11/20

Tuesday's blog page did not display well, which may explain why a lot of you did not do the assignments.

So now you have another chance!

Although the Quia sets below are set up like Quizzes, I want you to consider them practice exercises. You can take the practice sets  unlimited times and you will see the correct answers right after you finish each question. THIS IS PRACTICE, however, you must do them several times or receive a failing grade. Quia tells me how many times you each took (to the end) each practice set. It also tells me how much time you spent on each question. 

In other words, take these several times and take them seriously. Eventually these practice sets will be real tests. So you want to use the sets to really practice, study and learn. 


Task 01 - Practice exercises

Vocabulary for Chapter 01 of "Ego, Polyphemus." (Quizlet) Warm-up

01 Ego Polyphemus - vocabulary quiz (Quia)

000 Verbs from Ego Polyphemus

06-07 Vocabulary Ego Polyphemus

Task 02 (approximately 45 minutes)
Read Ego Polyphemus in pairs or small groups. Read each sentence aloud. Take turns translating, sentence by sentence. Once you have a translated sentence that the group agrees on, write it down along with any questions that the group has. Each student should take a picture of their translated sentences once you have done approximately 10, submit to Google Classroom; then move on and repeat. 

Task 03. Assignments from yesterday. (15 minutes)
Read this short Encylopedia Mythica article about Polyphemus the Cyclops. Although Homer's tale of Odysseus and Polyphemus is the most famous story, other ancient authors present a more sympathetic view of the Cyclops.

Search the web for ANCIENT images of Polyphemus. What kind of divine being is Polyphemus. Who were his parents?

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tuesday November 19

Eugape! for those who did yesterdays lesson. For those who didn't, there is still time.

I have no good news about my back/surgery recuperation. Except that the injury and pain won't last forever. I am going for daily treatments, to help it along. Will keep you posted. It is so important that you do the daily assignments, so that the impact of my absence will be less on your learning.

Unfortunately, I am not currently able to sit for more than five minutes, so posts can't be too long.

NL.CLL.4.2 Recognize cultural expectations of people in both the target culture and the students’ culture.
NM.COD.4.2 Identify information about target culture perspectives and practises.
Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL.CLL.2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL.CLL.2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language
Recognize cognates in English derived from target language and how to use them as context clues.

Objective: Introduction to Odyssey and episode of Odysseus and the cyclops, Polyphemus. Preview of vocabulary for chapter 01. Oral presentation of story in Latin with instructions for completing reading guides for each chapter.

EQ: How does your experience of reading this text differ from reading texts in your textbook. In Homer's version of the Cyclops story Polyphemus is clearly a monster. How does this text present Polyphemus as something other than a monster?
Today begin by reivewing vocabulary for the first two chapters of Ego Polyphemus in Quizlet

Read this short Encylopedia Mythica article about Polyphemus the Cyclops. Although Homer's tale of Odysseus and Polyphemus is the most famous story, other ancient authors present a more sympathetic view of the Cyclops.

Search the web for ANCIENT images of Polyphemus. What kind of divine being is Polyphemus. Who were his parents?
Then, sharing iPads watch this TedEd video (4 minutes) Everything you need to know to read the Odyssey.

Direct link to text of "Ego, Polyphemus" (try to complete two stories each day)

Vocabulary for Chapter 01 of "Ego, Polyphemus."

Link to all Quizlet Sets for Vocabulary Ego Polyphemus

Practice vocabulary in several ways, including copying them into to your notebook.

Write down your questions on the readings. If no one in the class can answer, email me at For each story that you read, include an image to represent it in your notebooks.

Please help each other with translations.

Last 40 minutes. (Have one student write random Latin vocabulary words from Chapter 01 and 02 on the board. About 20.

Divide the class into three teams. Each team should get a flyswatter (behind my desk). Then have the student who wrote the words call out the English meaning. Each teams sends a student to the board and the first team to swat the correct Latin definition wins a point for his or her team.


Sunday, November 17, 2019

Monday November 18

Monday November 18

Review Last Week's posts and make sure you have completed all the assignments.

In the back of the sub's notebook there are instructions for playing War (Bellum) in Latin. Your questions are the ones that begin with "sum" - then there is another sheet with the correct answers. Play this card game in groups of 3-4. Read the instructions.

Note: the questions on adverbs and adjective are for Latin II and III.

If you want to get a head start on tomorrow's assignment go here to read a story about the Cyclops Polyphemus

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tuesday November 12 -Thursday November 14 verbs and Roman Slavery

Latin I November 12-14

Bellwork (Quia - 10 questions)
10 Ecce Romani Conjugating Verbs Present Tense 10 Questions

Task 02. Make a list of verbs in the Story "Departure." (lines 1-10 and 15-16). Use the glossary at the back of the book to identify the first person singular, present tense, and the infinitive. These forms are called the first two "principle parts" of the verb.  Then translate the verb as it appears in the story "Departure."

laborant - laboro, laborare 1st conjugation; they are working.
gerit - gero, gerere 3rd conjugation; she is wearing

Make your list in your notebook or on your own paper. Then take a picture of it and submit it here in Google Classroom. DUE TODAY. ---------------------------------------------------
Roman Slavery (look at this whole post so you know what is coming)

Task 03. I have created a series of tasks to help you understand what slavery was like in the Roman world. Plan to devote at least two classes and two homework chunks of time to do the following tasks.

I have put together a collection of sources on Roman slavery (see below - TES-Blendspace). There are things for you to read and things for you to write. The instructions are embedded in the assignments.  One link that can be temperamental is to a PowerPoint that is important for completing a worksheet.  So I am giving the link to the PowerPoint here too.

Roman slavery was different from the trans-Atlantic slavery with which we are familiar from more modern times. There are many surprises in the kind of slavery we find in the Roman world.  And, the number of slaves was vast - approximately 50% of people living in Rome by the 200s CE. 

In your notes make a T-chart with Roman slavery as one heading and American slavery as the other.  Your Roman list should be longer. Keep adding to your T-chart as you read through all the sources offered. 

Task 03a. Read tile/square 1, 2 and view the Powerpoint in tile 5 (see below). Then in your notebook answer the questions on the worksheet in tile 3 - Google Classroom.. Don't rush through this. And, as always write in complete, grammatically correct sentences. Tile 2 and tile 5 will give you the answers to the questions on the worksheet. You can also find a copy of the worksheet here.

When you have finished answering questions on tile 2, submit them through Google Classroom. (Due date November 13 before 8 a.m.)
HOMEWORK: Study vocabulary for Chapter 10

Wednesday Bellwork
10 Ecce Romani-Vocabulary short matching

Now continue with Roman Slavery....
Task 03b.


Choose one of the following readings to summarize and write a personal response to what you find there. Why did you choose the text you did? What did you find most interesting about it? What is the author's point of view of slaves and slavery? What did you agree or disagree with? Choose one short passage as quotation that reveals a central point of the text.  You will be graded on the depth and specificity (details, quotations, examples) of your response. 

Task 03c
Slide 15 tells the story of a cruel slave owner murdered by his slaves. It comes from a letter of Pliny the Younger, the same Pliny that documented the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. 

Task 03d.
Slide 16 is written by a philosopher who advances the idea that all humans are slaves - slaves to illness, slaves to fate, slaves to anxieties, slaves to social expectations. So, legal status as a slave is only a matter of degree of enslavement. With the right philosophical insights (frame of mind), one can manage enslavement and still have a good life. 

Task 03e. Slide 17 is about resisting slavery in Ancient Rome. It shows how slaves were not passive victims, but had strategies of resistance. 

                                                            Click on "open in Tes Teach"


Thursday November 14

Task 01. Spend 10 minutes reading the Latin text of story 10 "Departure" and reviewing the vocabulary.

Task 02. With books closed. Do the following translation practice exercise:
10 Ecce Romani Translation Matching

Make sure you have completed the following assignments in Google Classroom. If not done before class tomorrow grades will  turn to zeros.

Exercises 10b and 10c Verbs.  See page 73 in textbook. Answer questions on your own paper and then submit to Google Classroom using this link
Teacher: use answer key in notebook help students check their work. Choose students to read the Latin. 

Exercise 10d (activity)

Friday, November 8, 2019

Friday November 8 VERBS

Task 01: The Infinitive form of Latin Verbs (6 minutes)

Task 02: LatinTutorial the present tense of verbs (6 minutes)

Task 03: Read carefully Chapter 8 page 54

Task 04: Read Chapter 10 Verb conjugations pages 72-73 and answer the questions in your notebooks.

Notes: a conjugation is a group of verbs 
1. how many conjugations are there in Latin?
2. how do you tell to what conjugation a verb belongs?
3. The infinitive ending of 1st conjugation verbs is _____
4. The infinitive ending of 2st conjugation verbs is _____
5. The infinitive ending of 3rd conjugation verbs is _____
6. The infinitive ending of 3rd-io verbs is _____
7. The infinitive ending of 4th conjugation verbs is _____
8. Third conjugation verbs that end in -io in the first person singular are called ___________. These verbs look like 4th conjugation verbs (-ire) in the first person singular, but ONLY there. 
9. It is very important to notice whether the -ere infinitive ending has a long mark over it, or not. Look at the second conjugation in the chart below. Long -e means second conjugation; short-Ä“
 means third (the short-e will not have any mark over it).

Task 05: Exercise 10b
  • ascendo, ascendere - no long mark over -e- therefore 3rd conjugation. Meaning: climb up, ascend
  • terreo, terrÄ“re - long-e- therefore 2nd conjugation. Meaning: to scare, terrify
  • arripio, arripere - io ending on first person singular and short -e in the infinitive. Therefore 3-io conjugation. Meaning: snatch, grab.
Do 4-15 in the same way in your notebooks. Use the glossary in the back of the book to look up definitions. 

Task 06: Read the directions for 10c and then conjugate 10-15 in your notebook.

Take a picture of your answers to10b and 10c. 

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Upcoming deadline

All the assignments in Google Classroom from October 25-today will be due Saturday by 11 p.m. This includes Quia Quizzes. Links to these in the blog.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Thursday November 7

I did not realize that Tuesday was not a school day for students. So I am shifting the deadlines up a day. I want you to use today to complete work that was due Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  

Everything closes out Saturday and you will not be able to turn in late work after that day. 

Some of you have produced excellent work on your poster and Dei and Deae packet. Others have done a rush job. Some have not submitted anything.  You are sitting in a class with others who know how to achieve excellence. And who are consistent in their efforts. Look around and follow their models.

Poster Instructions:
On plain white paper (behind teacher desk) make two small posters of two different deities: 1) a deity featured in Dei et Deae; 2) a deity from Rose William's Roman gods (preferably a "nearby god"). Posters include images of the attributes of each god (symbols, animals, habitats, etc). An image of the god/goddess. Posters are neat, well designed and colorful.

I have include a link to a high end poster of Minerva. You do not need to do posters as complex as this one. In addition you can look in the hallway by our class door to see posters done by last year's students to get ideas and models of good work.

Note, you do not have to completely re-do your existing poster. I suggest cutting out the texts and images on the posters you already did. Improve these with color, captions (Latin and English), additional information etc. AND then arrange these on a piece of plain white paper (or the colored paper on the shelf at the back of the room) and when you like what you see, glue the cut outs onto the poster. 

Pen and markers are better than pencil; legibility (able to be read - legere) is essential. Can a person sitting in the back of the room read your poster and recognize the images.

Wednesday November 6

I''d like one of you to show the blog to the substitute - yesterday's and today's posts.

Task 1.
Take the Quia Quiz on Roman Gods by Rose Williams (25 questions)
09 Chapter Ecce Roman Gods according to Rose Williams - October 2019.

Alternate Quia Quiz on Rose Williams:
09 Chapter Ecce Roman Gods according to Rose Williams - October 2019 - (copy)

Task 2. If you did not take the Quia Quiz on Dei et Dea yesterday, please do it now.
09 Ecce Romani Dei et Deae 2019-2020

Find Quia passwords here.7. 
I'd like Carolina, Emilee and Son to email me at and tell me why no one in Latin I 3rd period did this quiz yesterday.

Task 3. Summary and response for three TEDed myth videos - grading closes out today. Did you make it clear why you chose each myth?  Have you proof read what you wrote and submitted these through Google Classroom? My grammar and spelling is correct.

Task 4. Open book quiz on verbs. Study pages 72-74. Then take the following Quia Quiz on verbs
10 Ecce Romani verb test: endings, conjugations and imperatives-45 questions

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tuesday November 5

Checklist - All tasks must be completed by tomorrow

1. I have reviewed the Powerpoint on gods and goddesses

2. I paid attention to images, vocabulary and grammar on the slides

3. I have filled out the chart and answered the questions in the handout Dei et Deae and submitted it through Google Classroom.

4. I have made two small posters of two different deities: 1) a deity featured in Dei et Deae; 2) a deity from Rose William's Roman gods (preferably a "nearby god"). My posters include images of the attributes of each god (symbols, animals, habitats, etc). My poster is neat, well designed and colorful.  I have submitted these through Google Classroom. 

5. I have written a summary and response for three TEDed myth videos. I made it clear why I had chosen each myth.  I have proof read what I wrote and submitted these through Google Classroom. My grammar and spelling is correct.

6. I have taken the Quia quiz (25 questions) on Dei et Deae (closed book, no use of PowerPoint or handouts).  Allow at least 30 minutes to take this quiz. You may take it twice. Deadline: today.
09 Ecce Romani Dei et Deae 2019-2020

Find Quia passwords here.7. 

Homework is to study Rose William's article to prepare for a quiz on this essay tomorrow. 

Those of you who have already submitted items to Google Classroom have, for the most part, done a good job. 

Monday, November 4, 2019

Monday November 4 MYTHS!

Salvete, Latin I

Don't forget to take a picture of your god/goddess posters and submit then through Google Classroom. 


On Wednesday you will have a quiz on the Rose Williams essay on Roman gods. You might want to get a head start studying for this. (Take Notes)