Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Thursday November 7

I did not realize that Tuesday was not a school day for students. So I am shifting the deadlines up a day. I want you to use today to complete work that was due Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  

Everything closes out Saturday and you will not be able to turn in late work after that day. 

Some of you have produced excellent work on your poster and Dei and Deae packet. Others have done a rush job. Some have not submitted anything.  You are sitting in a class with others who know how to achieve excellence. And who are consistent in their efforts. Look around and follow their models.

Poster Instructions:
On plain white paper (behind teacher desk) make two small posters of two different deities: 1) a deity featured in Dei et Deae; 2) a deity from Rose William's Roman gods (preferably a "nearby god"). Posters include images of the attributes of each god (symbols, animals, habitats, etc). An image of the god/goddess. Posters are neat, well designed and colorful.

I have include a link to a high end poster of Minerva. You do not need to do posters as complex as this one. In addition you can look in the hallway by our class door to see posters done by last year's students to get ideas and models of good work.

Note, you do not have to completely re-do your existing poster. I suggest cutting out the texts and images on the posters you already did. Improve these with color, captions (Latin and English), additional information etc. AND then arrange these on a piece of plain white paper (or the colored paper on the shelf at the back of the room) and when you like what you see, glue the cut outs onto the poster. 

Pen and markers are better than pencil; legibility (able to be read - legere) is essential. Can a person sitting in the back of the room read your poster and recognize the images.

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