Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Tuesday November 12 -Thursday November 14 verbs and Roman Slavery

Latin I November 12-14

Bellwork (Quia - 10 questions)
10 Ecce Romani Conjugating Verbs Present Tense 10 Questions

Task 02. Make a list of verbs in the Story "Departure." (lines 1-10 and 15-16). Use the glossary at the back of the book to identify the first person singular, present tense, and the infinitive. These forms are called the first two "principle parts" of the verb.  Then translate the verb as it appears in the story "Departure."

laborant - laboro, laborare 1st conjugation; they are working.
gerit - gero, gerere 3rd conjugation; she is wearing

Make your list in your notebook or on your own paper. Then take a picture of it and submit it here in Google Classroom. DUE TODAY. ---------------------------------------------------
Roman Slavery (look at this whole post so you know what is coming)

Task 03. I have created a series of tasks to help you understand what slavery was like in the Roman world. Plan to devote at least two classes and two homework chunks of time to do the following tasks.

I have put together a collection of sources on Roman slavery (see below - TES-Blendspace). There are things for you to read and things for you to write. The instructions are embedded in the assignments.  One link that can be temperamental is to a PowerPoint that is important for completing a worksheet.  So I am giving the link to the PowerPoint here too.

Roman slavery was different from the trans-Atlantic slavery with which we are familiar from more modern times. There are many surprises in the kind of slavery we find in the Roman world.  And, the number of slaves was vast - approximately 50% of people living in Rome by the 200s CE. 

In your notes make a T-chart with Roman slavery as one heading and American slavery as the other.  Your Roman list should be longer. Keep adding to your T-chart as you read through all the sources offered. 

Task 03a. Read tile/square 1, 2 and view the Powerpoint in tile 5 (see below). Then in your notebook answer the questions on the worksheet in tile 3 - Google Classroom.. Don't rush through this. And, as always write in complete, grammatically correct sentences. Tile 2 and tile 5 will give you the answers to the questions on the worksheet. You can also find a copy of the worksheet here.

When you have finished answering questions on tile 2, submit them through Google Classroom. (Due date November 13 before 8 a.m.)
HOMEWORK: Study vocabulary for Chapter 10

Wednesday Bellwork
10 Ecce Romani-Vocabulary short matching

Now continue with Roman Slavery....
Task 03b.


Choose one of the following readings to summarize and write a personal response to what you find there. Why did you choose the text you did? What did you find most interesting about it? What is the author's point of view of slaves and slavery? What did you agree or disagree with? Choose one short passage as quotation that reveals a central point of the text.  You will be graded on the depth and specificity (details, quotations, examples) of your response. 

Task 03c
Slide 15 tells the story of a cruel slave owner murdered by his slaves. It comes from a letter of Pliny the Younger, the same Pliny that documented the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius. 

Task 03d.
Slide 16 is written by a philosopher who advances the idea that all humans are slaves - slaves to illness, slaves to fate, slaves to anxieties, slaves to social expectations. So, legal status as a slave is only a matter of degree of enslavement. With the right philosophical insights (frame of mind), one can manage enslavement and still have a good life. 

Task 03e. Slide 17 is about resisting slavery in Ancient Rome. It shows how slaves were not passive victims, but had strategies of resistance. 

                                                            Click on "open in Tes Teach"


Thursday November 14

Task 01. Spend 10 minutes reading the Latin text of story 10 "Departure" and reviewing the vocabulary.

Task 02. With books closed. Do the following translation practice exercise:
10 Ecce Romani Translation Matching

Make sure you have completed the following assignments in Google Classroom. If not done before class tomorrow grades will  turn to zeros.

Exercises 10b and 10c Verbs.  See page 73 in textbook. Answer questions on your own paper and then submit to Google Classroom using this link
Teacher: use answer key in notebook help students check their work. Choose students to read the Latin. 

Exercise 10d (activity)

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