Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wednesday October 17

Wednesday October 16
NL.CLL.4.2 Recognize cultural expectations of people in both the target culture and the students’ culture.
NM.COD.4.2 Identify information about target culture perspectives and practises.
Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL.CLL.2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL.CLL.2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language

Objective: Introduction to Chapter 7. Accusative plural nouns. Vocabulary Review

EQ. Can you identify subjects and direct objects in Latin Declensions 1-3? Match them with their correct adjectives?

Bellwork (on your own paper):
Write out the following sentences and fill in the blanks  with information on pages 41

1. The subject case is called ________
2. The direct object case is called ___________
3. First declension nouns in the accusative plural end in ______.
4. Second declension nouns in the accusative plural end in ______.
5. In the 2nd declension, most nouns end in _____ in the nominative singular, but some end in _______. They end in ____ in the accusative singular and ______ in the accusative plural.
6. In the 3rd declension, masculine and feminine nominative nouns end in _________. Accusative singular in __ and accusative plural in _____.
7. Most 1st declension nouns are what gender?
8. Most 2nd declension nouns are what gender?
9. Third declension nouns include what genders?

Ask substitute for answers.

7f (p.44) Read aloud, identify subjects and direct objects, translate.

1. Servus senators videt.

2. Arbores pueri saepe ascendunt.

3. Clamores puellas terrent.

4. Patres magnos fragores audiunt.

5. Patrem voces vexant.

6. Voces in horto audit.

7. Patres in via conspiciunt.

8. Patres pueros in via conspiciunt.

9. Patres solliciti clamores audiunt.

10. Magnas voces patres audiunt.

In groups or pairs: Translate Story 07 identifying subjects and direct objects.

Sub has two handouts on villa plans for you. Put these in your notebooks. Study the floor plans of Roman villa (here and in handout). Then view the Powerpoint on Roman houses (link below)Roman houses and villae (Handouts)

Direct Instruction: PowerPoint on Roman Insulae, Domus et Villae. (Google Classroom)

Homework: Vocabulary Review for Chapters 1-6 in Quizizz. Go to If you don't see the set after you log in, go ti and enter this code 213596.
Study PowerPoint on Roman Insulae, Domus et Villae. (Google Classroom)

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