Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thrursday October 17 - Houses of Pompeii - Advertisement Project

Thursday October 17

Bellwork: Read pages 45-48 The Roman Villa. Label the parts of the house diagram (handout). Make sure you have done the Quizizz vocabulary test assigned for homework before you go on.

Check your answers to 7f (classwork for Wednesday) by going to this link. Make corrections. Record questions.

ProjectAdvertisement for a house in Pompei (Thursday-Friday)

Congratulations!  You have been selected to sell a Roman house in Pompeii or Herculaneum.  It is your job to create an advertisement, whether that be a brochure, flyer, etc., that will get your house sold as quickly as possible.  Here is the information you need to include to get your house sold:

·         A brief history of your house (when it was built, etc.)
·         Anything interesting or unique about your house
·         The main features of your house (i.e. number of atria, triclinia, cubicula, etc.)
·         The address of your house
·         The size & specifics of your house
·         Any artifacts related to your house that will come             with it when sold (i.e. a statue or a special mosaic)
·         At least 2 pictures (black and white)

Note: Use Latin for names of rooms, villa. hortus,  peristylum and other words we have learned about houses. The rest of your ad can be in English. Remember this is an advertisement, so do it up!

Neatness and detail will be an important part of your grade. Spend some time researching your house. Correct spelling is essential. Use the large pieces of paper behind the teacher's desk and the room's colored pencils. Plan how you will arrange information on the page. Sketch out your design first.

This is worth two quiz grades

Websites for Information:
o (look on the right side bar for house names)
o (search this site for your house, they have most of them!)

For copy of assignment and full list of houses see Google Classroom.

For good short videos that reconstruct houses in Pompeii see
House of Sallust
House of Caecilius
House of the Faun
Villa of the Mysteries
House of the Vettii
Playlist of 6 videos on Pompeian Houses by Open University

Homework: Research house; watch videos,  print out any images or text that you would like to use in your real estate ad.

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