Sunday, October 20, 2019

Monday October 21

Monday October 21. Note: tomorrow you will have a unit test on chapters 1-7. The activities today will help prepare you for this test. 

Students: if you finish a task before everyone in the class finishes it, go here to study vocabulary sets for test tomorrow.

Task 1. Whole class vocabulary game VINCO. Vinco (means "I win" in Latin; it is the same as Bingo).

a.  TEACHER: Distribute 6 blank Vinco sheets to each student and the list of words from chapters 01-07. (HANDOUTS)

b. STUDENTS: Fill out the spaces on TWO Vinco sheet with LATIN words from Chapter 04 and 01 (page 1 word list). Don't combine lists. One Vinco sheet for 04 and one for 01.  Then turn over the vocabulary lists so you cannot see the definitions.

c. TEACHER: The teacher will then call out ENGLISH words from Chapter 04  random order. 
                  Mark with a check words as you call them out so you                        won't call out the same word twice. Hold onto your                          vocabulary sheets because you will use them again with                    Latin III. 

d. STUDENTS: Cover the Latin word on your sheet when/if the teacher calls out the English definition. The goal, as in Bingo, is to have five covered words in a row, horizontal or diagonal

e.  TEACHER  Play until there are winners. Check the "winner's" covered words to make sure they covered the words you called out. 

f. TEACHER: record the winners for future prizes.

q. STUDENTS: Please don't write on word lists because you will turn them in so another class can use them. 

Task 2. Vinco. New game.  This time play the game with Chapter 04 words which you have already copied from page 1. Follow the directions given above c-f.

Tasks 3-4. Two new game games. Now fill out TWO new Vinco sheets with words from Chapter 05 on one sheet (page 4) and Chapters 06 and 02 combined on the second sheet (pages 4 and 2 of vocabulary lists). Turn over the lists. Play the two games following the directions given above c-f.

Task 5-6. Vinco two new game games with words from Chapter 07 (page 3) and Chapter 03 (page 5). Use two separate Vinco sheets. Play the two games following the directions given above c-f.

Teacher: STOP 25 MINUTES BEFORE THE END OF CLASS, so student can do Task 7. First period stop at 8:35. Third period stop at 12:35. 

Task 7. Students -01-07 Mega Vocabulary Practice Test. Recommended: do this also for homework.

HOMEWORK. Exercise 7b, textbook page 40 in Google Classroom (plural nouns-a graded assignment***).  Vocabulary Practice Test: Task 6 above.
Tomorrow you have a Unit Test for chapters 1-7. The mega vocabulary test and Exercise 7b will help prepare you for it. 

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