Friday, October 18, 2019

Thursday October 24

Thursday October 24

Task 01. Spend 10 minutes studying the vocabulary for Chapter 08

Task 02. Do Activity Book 8b "Vocabulary in Context" (below).  You can either write out the sentences, filling in the blanks, in your notebook, then take a picture of it and submit it through Google Classroom. Or fill out the answers on the pdf in Google Classroom.  Teacher as a few hard copies for those who need them.

Personal Pronouns page 54. (Student Notes)
Nominative/subjects: ego (I), tu (you singular), nos (we) vos (you plural)
Accusative/direct object: me, te, nos, vos
Dative/indirect object: mihi, tibi, nobis, vobis

Task 03. 08c Textbook Exercise on verbs and persons (2 attempts; 20 questions)

Task 04.
08 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary, SUM, and Personal Pronoun Indicators -40 questions
You can take this three times. Best try counts. 

HOMEWORK: Study vocabulary for Chapter 08

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