Thursday, August 8, 2019

Tuesday August 27

NL.CLL.1.1 Use single words and simple, memorized phrases to express needs, preferences, and feelings.
NL.CLL.1.2 Use culturally appropriate greetings, farewells, apologies, and expressions of courtesy.
NL.CLL.1.3 Use a variety of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to ask memorized questions and express ideas or thoughts with prompting and modeling.
NL.CLL.2.1 Understand the meaning of simple, spoken greetings, words, and phrases, when accompanied by visual clues and/or prompts, as needed.
NL.CLL.2.2 Understand the meanings of spoken words that are similar to those in the students’ language.
NL.CLL.2.3 Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL.CLL.2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.

Objectives: learn the Latin for common classroom objects; learn basic commands. Introduce Latin pronunciation of consonants and vowels  Learn about how Roman engineering contributed to their expansion as a civilization. 

EQs: Why is Latin easy to pronounce? What are some basic words and expression related to the classroom, the human body and giving commands? 

Bellwork: Put on your name tag then, using your phone,  take this little quiz about things Roman

Guided: Review answers. Answer key to Little Latin Quiz

Collaborative: perform your group conversation.

Independent Copy these words and pictures for you notebook. Be sure to date your work.

ianua (subject), ianuam (direct object): another word for "door"
graphis (subject), graphidem (direct object) "pencil." 

Notice that the singular direct object nouns end in "-m." Direct objects are nouns that receive the action of a verb. 

Now look at the commands in this set of Quizlet. (Pronounced first by teacher)

Whole class question and answer using the above words and those in Quizlet set. 

Now pull up the blog on your phones and practice the Quizlet set again by playing this matching game:

Listen and repeat as your teacher reads the commands illustrated below, from your first day handout.

Now we will play Cicero dicit (the Roman version of Simon Says) using commands you have seen so far. 

Exit ticket.  Look at the second image in today's post then answer:
1) The English word "tangent" comes from the Latin word "tange."  What's the connection. You may have to look up the English word.
2) The English word "bracelet" comes from the Latin word "bracchium."  What is the connection?
3) The English words "manual" and "manufacture" come from the Latin word "manum" What's the connection?

Homework: review what we practiced today using the commands in this set of Quizlet

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