Mythological sentences for identifying essential elements of a sentence


nouns: names of persons, places, things, qualities, or acts; (N)

adjectives: words that describe persons, places, things, qualities, or acts; (adj)

verbs: words that denote actions (e.g., sits) or existence (e.g., is). (V)

preposition - a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence (in, on, towards, with, by, etc.). The preposition and the words it modifies are called a “prepositional phrase.” (PP)

Subjects and verbs are core elements of sentences. It is important to identify them as you meet them in Latin sentences. You may mark subjects (nouns (N): the person or thing that is or does something) with the letters N-S and verbs with the letter V.

The verb est (“is”) is used as a linking verb (LV) when it links the subject with a noun or an adjective. This noun or adjective completes the pattern of the sentence and is called a complement (C). Cornelia is (LV) a friend (C).

Verbs that take direct objects (DO) are said to be transitive verbs and may be labeled TV, e.g. Cornelia hears (TV) a voice (DO). Verbs that do not take direct objects are said to be intransitive verbs (IV), e.g., Cornelia sub arbore sedet, Cornelia sits (IV) under the tree (1 :3).

Step One: identify nouns (N), adjectives (adj) and verbs (V).

Step Two: identify subjects (S), direct objects (DO), transitive verbs (TV), intransitive verbs (IV), linking verbs (LV) and prepositional phrases (PP) by bracketing them.

1.      Vulcan (Greek: Hephaestus)  is a god. Vulcan is strong. Vulcan lives and works [on the island Sicily].
2.      Jupiter is the king of the gods. Jupiter lives on Mount Olympus with his wife Juno.
3.      Prometheus is a Titan. Prometheus stole fire from Mount Olympus.
4.      Pluto is a brother of Jupiter. Pluto rules the Underworld.
5.      Chiron is a centaur (half-man, half-horse). Chiron teaches all the heroes.
6.      Echo is a beautiful nymph. Echo is talkative. Hera punishes the nymph.
7.      Admetus is a king. King Admetus has his palace in Greece.
8.      Endymion is a herdsman. Endymion is handsome. Endymion chooses perpetual sleep.
9.      Tantalus is the son of Jupiter. Tantalus betrays a secret of the gods.
10.  Actaeon is a hunter. Actaeon watches the goddess Diana. Diana punishes the youth.
11.  Apollo is the god of the sun. Apollo drives his chariot across the sky.

12.  Alcestis is the wife of Admetus. Hercules saves Alcestis.
13.  Neptune is another brother of Jupiter.  Neptune rules the waters.
14.  Bacchus (Greek: Dionysus) is the god of merriment. Bacchus rescues the beautiful Ariadne, princess of Crete.
15.  Castor and Pollux are twins. Castor and Pollux ride their horses into the Roman Forum.
16.  Bellerophon is a hero. Bellerophon rides Pegasus. Bellerophon kills the Chimaera.
17.  Theseus is a Greek prince. Theseus sails to Crete. Theseus kills the Minotaur.
18.  Narcissus is a handsome youth. Narcissus loves himself.
19.  Ariadne is the daughter of King Minos. Ariadne lives on Crete. Ariadne helps Theseus.
20.  Helle is a good girl. Phrixus is the brother of Helle. Phrixus and Helle escape from Greece.
21.  Daedalus is the father of Icarus. Daedalus and Icarus live in Crete. Daedalus is a builder.
22.  Eurydice is beautiful. Eurydice marries Orpheus. She steps on a snake and dies.
23.  Orpheus is a handsome youth. Orpheus sings and plays the lyre. He tries to rescue Eurydice from the Underworld.
24.  Niobe is a mother. Niobe has 7 sons and 7 daughters. Niobe weeps.

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