Saturday, March 23, 2019

March 25, Monday Unit Review Parts I and II

NL.CLL.4.2 Recognize cultural expectations of people in both the target culture and the students’ culture.
NM.COD.4.2 Identify information about target culture perspectives and practises.
Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL.CLL.2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL.CLL.2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language

Objective: demonstrate that you know the grammar  presented in Chapters 1-7.

EQ. What are the elements of a Latin sentence and how do word endings signal what these elements are (verbs-transitive, intransitive and linking, infinitives), subjects, direct objects, prepositional phrases.?

Go to Google Classroom to take the first two parts of the Unit Test.

Practice vocabulary with any time remaining.

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