Sunday, April 28, 2019

Week of April 29

NL.CLL.4.2 Recognize cultural expectations of people in both the target culture and the students’ culture.
NM.COD.4.2 Identify information about target culture perspectives and practises.
Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL.CLL.2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL.CLL.2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language
Recognize cognates in English derived from target language and how to use them as context clues.

Note: To access the myths and novella we will be reading for the rest of the quarter  go to Google Classroom and enter this code: o2ge4zd

Monday April 29

Objective: Introduction to Odyssey and episode of Odysseus and the cyclops, Polyphemus. Preview of vocabulary for chapter 01. Oral presentation of story in Latin with instructions for completing reading guides for each chapter.

EQ: How does your experience of reading this text differ from reading texts in your textbook. In Homer's version of the Cyclops story Polyphemus is clearly a monster. How does this text present Polyphemus as something other than a monster?

Read this short Encylopedia Mythica article about Polyphemus the Cyclops. Although Homer's tale of Odysseus and Polyphemus is the most famous story, other ancient authors present a more sympathetic view of the Cyclops. 

Search the web for ANCIENT images of Polyphemus

TedEd video (4 minutes) Everything you need to know to read the Odyssey.

Use this code to sign up for access to a collection of myths we will be reading in Latin: o2ge4zd

Direct link to text of "Ego, Polyphemus" 

Vocabulary for Chapter 01 of "Ego, Polyphemus."

Direct and guided: Guided whole class: Read aloud Chapter 01 with Q & A and reading guide. Pose questions in Latin. Demonstrate how to complete a reading guide. Safetynet Words.

True/False comprehension questions on Chapter 01 (students use white boards). 

Sum Song

08 Ecce Romani Verb Endings


Tuesday April 30

EQ: How does your experience of reading this text differ from reading texts in your textbook. In Homer's version of the Cyclops story Polyphemus is clearly a monster. How does this text present Polyphemus as something other than a monster?

Objective: Clarify expectations of how students should create reading guides for each chapter. Take students deeper into the Chapter and give guidance for increasing reading fluency.

Study vocabulary for Chapter 01 with Quizlet.

Guided: Summary of Chapter 01 in Latin (Quizlet) Q&A

Guided and collaborative: reading guide Chapter 01 in pairs or small groups.

Direct and guided: demonstrate reading strategies.

Whole class guided instruction: Choose the correct to complete the sentence. (White boards)

Whole group/exit ticket: review answers to character questions on reading guide using overhead projection. 

Board race if there is extra time.
Homework: Study vocabulary for Chapter 01.


Wednesday May 1
Bellwork: Vocabulary quiz Chapter 01
01 Ego Polyphemus - vocabulary quiz

Direct instruction: Vocabulary for 02 Chapter Polyphemus

Direct and guided: Read aloud Chapter 2 (with Q & A and guidance on how to use text to complete reading guide)

Colaborative: work in pairs or small group to complete reading guide. 

Board race with vocabulary for 01 and 02 Ego Polyphemus

Exit ticket: Watch three minute animated clip of Polyphemus and Odysseus. Answer: How does the representation of Polyphemus in our story differ from the clip?  The animation is based only on Homer, while our story uses multiple versions.

Homework: Vocabulary for Chapter 02. Polish reading guide.

Thursday May 2

Objective: assess and reinforce vocabulary acquistion. Introduce and read aloud chapter 02. Demonstrate how to create simple answers to Latin questions in Latin using the text.

EQ. How are the various activities we are doing helping to clarify meaning? On the level of words? grammar? story?

Review for 10 minutes the vocabulary for Chapter two then take this quiz.

Video (3 minutes) on Odysseus and Polyphemus. Discuss how Homer's version of the story differs from the version we are reading.

Direct and guided instruction (whole class): read aloud Chapter 02 of Ego Polyphemus. 

Whole group: Answer using white boards true/false questions about Chapter 02.

Collaborative and individual: work on the reading guide for Chapter 02, You can work with a partner or two, but your completed guide needs to be your own. (45 minutes)

Lactuca game with words and sentences from Chapter 02

Exit ticket: reading guide for chapter 02.

Homework: review vocabulary for Chapter 02


Friday May 3

Objective: Assess whether/which students can read a short, illustrate passage silently? Assist in honing students abilities to identify content that will help them successfully complete a reading guide.

EQ. Why is it important to read and then reread in Latin a paragraph before you try to translate? How do we interrogate a Latin text before trying, if ever, to make a word-for-word translation?

Read Chapter 03 silently. Note passages that can help you with the reading guide. 

Read aloud with Q & A Chapter 03.

Whole class: Review summary of Chapter 03 in images.

Assessment: Comprehension Questions on Chapter 03

Independent or with a partner. Polish up your reading guide. Turn it in.

As time allows: Board race.

Exit ticket: reading guide

Homework: vocabulary for chapter 03

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