Monday, April 1, 2019

Monday-Tuesday, April 1 -3

NL.CLL.4.2 Recognize cultural expectations of people in both the target culture and the students’ culture.
NM.COD.4.2 Identify information about target culture perspectives and practises.
Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL.CLL.2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.

NL.CLL.2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language

Objective recognize and practice present tense verb endings. Understand what "person" and "number" means when talking about verbs.

EQ: What are the six present tense endings? What is meant by "person" and "number"?


Watch the following two videos, which will help you do the verb assignments in your activity packet.
The Singular of the Present Tense (url:
The Present Tense  (url:

How do you identify the present stem of a verb?
Answer: remove the -re from the infinitive form = the second principal part.

Practice conjugating verbs with beanbags/round robin.


Responde Latine. Find the sentences in the story that answer the following questions:
1. Cur est Aurelia irata?
2. Cur necesse est omnia statim parare?
3. Quid Aurelia in cubiculo Marci clamat?
4. Quid facit Marcus?
5. Surgitne Sextus?
6. Quid facit Sextus?
7. Cur Marcus non surgit?
8. Quis subito intrat?

9. Cur Marcus surgit?

Homework 8d-f (Google Classroom)

Exit ticket: conjugate sum in the present tense.
Tuesday, April 2
Objective: Practice forming present tense verbs. Independent translation.

EQ: what are the present tense endings? how do you find the stem to add those endings to?

Note: Vocabulary listed by parts of speech. Use these lists to make your vocabulary cards.

Bellwork: Translation passage assignments

Avery: Marcus matrem audit sed nihil respondet. Deinde Aurelia cubiculum Sexti intrat. Clamat, "Age, Sexte! Tempus est surgere." Statim surgit Sextus. Celeriter tunicam et togam induit et brevi tempore e cubiculo currit.

Kaleciyana: Iterum Aurelia cubiculum Marcus intrat. Iterum clamat, "Age, Marce! Nos iam strenue laboramus. Cur tu solus non surgis?" Gemit Marcus. 'Ego non surgo,” inquit, "quod Romam redire nolo.”

Gregory: Cur mihi quoque necesse est ad urbem redire? Patrem meum princeps ad urbem revocat. Patrem consulere vult.”

Kahniyah: Non vult consulere Marcum." Subito intrat Gaius, pater Marce, et clamat, "Sed ego volo consulere Marcum!”

Bryan “Cur, Marce, hodie me vexas? Cur non surgis? Cur nondum tunicam et togam induis, moleste puer?"

Ki’dre: Nihil respondet Marcus sed statim surgit quod patrem timet.

Guided: Vocative

Independent: Play Bellum Latinum with verbs in present tense.

Things It's Best to Say in Latin

Kiss the Girl in Latin

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