01 Little Latin Quiz Answer Key

Quiz is in Google Classroom

Teacher’s Key:
1)    B
2)    A
3)    D (here is a good place to briefly introduce the religious freedom that Romans enjoyed.  This will be surprising to most students since Romans killing Christians is pretty much all they know about that topic.)
4)    A (Yes, very surprising until you consider that Gladiators were an elite group of fighters whose owners had invested a lot of time and money into them.  Having them die constantly would not be profitable)
5)    C (Pants were worn by barbarians such as Gauls. In Book 12 of the Aeneid,  when Jupiter finally tells Juno to desist from trying to kill Aeneas - she makes a special request that the new conquerors, Aeneas’ descendants not wear pants.  He grants it)
6)    D - no potatoes - a new world vegetable
7)    A - the horse was one of Caligula’s favorite racers at the Circus Maximus.  He built a special palace for the horse.
8)    D - Also very surprising.  Here I mention the multicultural nature of Roman slavery and point out that for everyone in the class that has some European ancestors, the odds are good that one of their distant ancestors was a slave.
9)    D (Hic, Haec, Hoc etc)
10)  A
11) C (Imperative singular, plural imperative = ite!)
12) D (Really - look it up, haven’t found a good explanation or one that I trust as the reason why) *
13) D
14) D
15) D
16)  B

*However, it may sound like a stretch to use a Near Eastern cultural practice to explain a Latin etymology. Katz bolsters his argument by citing evidence closer to home. He quotes a passage from the Iguvine Tables, a document written in an ancient Italic language called Umbrian (a sister language of Latin). This passage describes the sacrifice of a bull-calf to Jupiter. In order to dedicate the victim to Jupiter, the sacrificer should “hold urfeta in his hand,” while saying “Jupiter Sancius, to thee I dedicate this votive bull-calf.”
Animal sacrificed before oath. Testicles dedicated to Juppiter.

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