Sunday, October 27, 2019

Monday October 28 -Friday November 1

Monday October 28

I am not sure why, but work is missing from last week's assignments.  So I am giving you all a second chance. Some of you achieved high grades on your first tries. I will take your highest grade. But I do want you all, except students named below,  to try to take the Quia quizzes again. 

Task 01
08 Ecce Romani Verb Endings - 2019 October 27 (you can take this 2 times)

Task 02
08 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary, SUM, and Personal Pronoun Indicators -40 questions
Samantha, Marci and Madison scored over 100% - so you don't need to take the test again. 

Task 03
08c Exercise on verbs and persons

M'yen and Sierra scored 100% - so no need to re-take.

Task 04
Study on page 56 "Nouns and Adjectives: Vocative"
Study Word Study II Section pages 57-58
Review Patria Potestas pages 59-61 
Then do this assignment in Quia (you can take this two times):
08 Ecce Romani Quiz - Vocabulary Potestas Patria - Grammar -45 Questions.

Task 05
Go to Google Classroom to see the new story and its vocabulary. Copy the vocabulary into your notebooks, take a picture and post it with the story and vocabulary. You may also copy the vocabulary directly from the book (page 63).

Task 06
Go to Google Classroom and do the pre-reading derivatives for Chapter 9.  Submit. Due Tuesday evening.

Tuesday October 29

Task 07. Exercise 9a Responde Latine. Answer the questions with full Latin sentences. You can work collaboratively. Submit your individual answers through Google Classroom. The questions are in a Word Document. So you can download the file, answer on the same sheet, then upload your answers with the questions. OR you can copy the four questions below and answer them in Latin. Take a picture and submit.

_9a Responde Latine EXERCISE 9a
1. Cur nemo Corneliam conspicit?   2. Quo Cornelia Flaviam ducit?

3. Cur est Cornelia misera?              4. Cur est Flavia misera?

Task 08. Translation matching gameStudents: Close books and notebooks. Teacher: Give each student the three-page handout with English translations of Story 09 "Goodbye" on the left side of each page. Students, put your name and the date on your handout.  Teacher: distribute one index card with a Latin translation on it to each student in the class. You will have some extra translations. Attach these to the whiteboard using the magnets on the left side of the board.  

Each student should match the Latin on their index card with the English on their handout. When a student has finished s/he can take a card from another student who has finished with a card (i.e. trade cards), or take a card from the board and put your used card on the board. 

Students should continue recording translations and exchanging used cards for new ones - taking a new card either from another student or from the board - until each has a complete translation. 

Students. Note that some cards have a grammar question in addition to the translation. You must answer this too. 

Students: When you have finished go on to Task 09 and 10.

Task 09 page 65 textbook. Sudents: Copy correct endings onto the chart and put the chart in your notebook.  Teacher has copies of these charts. At the same time, put the story and vocabulary for Chapter 09 into your notebook. Teacher has copies of this too. 

Task 10
Exercise 9b and grammar material on page 64. Study page 64 then do 9b and submit it in Google Classroom 

Get a head start on tomorrow's assignments if you finish the ones for Tuesday. 

Wedesday October 30

Task 11a. Major Gods and Goddesses. Handout: Six-page worksheet. Read pages 68-69 before you attempt to translate in your notebooks the Latin text on your handout so you can fill out the accompanying chart and questions. 

Task 11b. PowerPoint on Roman Gods. Study this before you continue.

Task 12. When you have finished learning about the major Roman gods and goddess (Task 11) Take the Quia quiz on the gods and goddesses.  You should complete the chart on the gods and then answer the questions about them before attempting the quia quiz. You can take this quiz twice. If you run out of time before you can finish the quiz, plan to take it on Thursday or do it for homework.
09 Ecce Romani Dei et Deae (Latina Mythica)

Task 13. Puzzle Vocabulary Game. Teacher: start this game 35-40 minutes before the end of class. Find instructions here.  Teacher: divide students in groups of 3-4 and give each a bag of puzzle pieces. Each bag has puzzle pieces and instructions for completing the puzzle. ----------------------------------------------
Thursday October 31
Task 14
Read the essay on The Roman Gods by Rose Williams (in Google Classroom), take notes, study. When you feel you have mastered the material then take the Quia quiz. There is a lot of information in the  essay by Rose Williams, so plan to give some serious time to learning it. There is a link in Google Classroom and here to the Quia quiz:
09 Chapter Ecce Roman Gods according to Rose Williams - October 2019

Task 12. Finish the quiz, on Major Gods and Goddesses (Textbook), if you were not able to do it on Wednesday.
09 Ecce Romani Dei et Deae (Latina Mythica)


Friday November 1

Finish anything you have not finished during the week. You must turn in your god/goddess 6-page worksheet at the end of class. 

Sources for deity poster:

Choose a god or goddess discussed in your textbook page 68-69 or by Rose Williams.  Create a small poster of your chosen god, that includes their relationships (father (pater), son (filius), mother (mater), daughter (filia), sister (soror), brother (frater). AND includes the god or goddess attributes (lightening, crops, eagle, peacock, wealth, death, sea, wisdom... etc.) Use class and homework time to create your poster. Use colored pencils or markers. DUE: Monday November 4. Take a picture and submit here.  Strive to make a poster that is worthy of being put up in the hallway. Neatness counts very much. 

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