Friday, October 18, 2019

Wednesday October 23

Latin Verbs. Present tense endings.


Task 01
Use the story to answer Responde Latine questions in Latin. Full sentences. Go here in Google Classroom. You can answer the questions in Google Classroom or in your notebooks. If you do it in your notebooks, take a picture of your answers and submit them in Google Classroom. Teacher has hard copies of this assignment.

8a Responde Latine EXERCISE 8a
1. Cur est Aurelia irata?
2. Cur necesse est omnia statim parare?
3. Quid Aurelia in cubiculo Marci clamat?
4. Quid facit Marcus?
5. Surgitne Sextus?
6. Quid facit Sextus?
7. Cur Marcus non surgit?
8. Quis subito intrat?

9. Cur Marcus surgit?

Task 02. (Hard copies in sub notebookPre-reading derivatives. Use and to give full, good definitions of highlighted words. On first line put the word from the vocabulary list to which the English word is related/derived. Then put the definition of the word. If you answer on your own paper include the highlighted word you are defining. 
Task 03
Read page 54 on Verb Forms and take notes on the content of this page.  Copy the charts into your notebooks. 
Note the "person" of a verb refers to the subject that is doing the answer of a verb. The ending of the verb must agree with the subject doing the action. Is the subject I, you, s/he it, we, y'all or they/a plural subject? These are persons and each one has its own ending. 

Task 04. Study these sentences.
Sextus est laetus.  What is the person? Third because Sextus is the subject and he is a 3rd person singular actor.

Tu es laetus, Sexte, Cur? What is the person of es? Second because the subject is "tu (you singular)"

Ego sum laetus quod Roman ire volo. What is the person of sum? First because the subject is "ego" (I). 

Servi sunt defessi. What is the person of sunt? Third plural because the subject is servi (slaves).

Vos estis defessi, servi. Cur? What is the person of estis? Second person plural because the subject is "vos" (you all).

Defessi sumus quod strenue laboramus. What is the person of sumus and laboramus?  First person plural (we).

Task 05.
Classwork and/or homework: QUIA: 08 Ecce Romani Verb Endings  

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