Monday, May 13, 2019

Week of May 13

NL.CLL.4.2 Recognize cultural expectations of people in both the target culture and the students’ culture.
NM.COD.4.2 Identify information about target culture perspectives and practises.
Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL.CLL.2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL.CLL.2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language

Recognize cognates in English derived from target language and how to use them as context clues.

Monday, May 13

Objective: consolidation of learning from last chapter of Ego Polyphemus.

EQ: What reading strategies help you decipher the meaning of a new Latin text?

Bellwork: Study the last chapter of Ego Polyphemus using this Quizlet set

Whole class: Verum/Falsum questions on Chapters 09 and 10

Independent: Now put passages in this story in the correct order (handout). You can use the story but not the Quizlet set to do this.

Whole class: Introduce Familia mala;  read aloud Chapter 01 of Familia mala.

Homework: finish all reading guides. Study vocabulary for Familia Mala.

Tuesday May 14

EQ: What reading strategies help you decipher the meaning of a new Latin text? What is an "indirect statement" and how is it formed in Latin? What are the imperfect and future forms of sum, esse, fui.

01 Familia Mala

Familia Mala Chapter 01

Whole class: Read aloud Chapter 02 of Familia Mala

Independent: Study guides for Chapters 01 and 02

Homework: Complete uncompleted reading guides.

Wednesday May 15

Objective: assess comprehension of Chapter 02; review the imperfect and future forms of sum, esse, fui. Continue to identify indirect statements.

EQ:  What are the imperfect and future forms of sum, esse, fui? How do you recognize an indirect statement?

Study for 10 minutes the translation of Chapter 02 in this Quizlet set. 
Then take this quiz:
02 Familia Mala - translate

Direct instruction: Indirect statement

  • a verb of speaking or thinking 
  • followed by a subject in the accusative case and an infinitive. 
  • The accusative word is translated a nominative noun or pronoun. 
  • The infinitive is translated as a conjugated verb. 

Whole class: read aloud with Q & A Chapter 03 Familia Mala.

Independent or collaborative: Reading guide for Chapter 03.

Exit ticket: Reading guides for Chapters 01-02.

Homework: Study vocabulary for Familia Mala Chapter 03

Thursday May 16
Objective: Complete reading and reading guide for Chapter 04
EQ. What is the difference between a Titan and an Olympian god?

Review vocabulary for chapter 02 and 03 (10 minutes) Then take the quiz in Quia.
02-03 Familia Mala

Guided: Vocabulary for Familia Mala Chapter 04

Direct and guided instruction Read aloud with Q & A Familia Mala Chapter 04

Independent and collaborative: Complete reading guide for Chapter 04

Exit ticket: name two Titans; name two Olympian gods

Homework: Finish all reading guides for Chapters 1-4

Friday May 17

Objective: Review Chapters 1-4 of Famila Mala and begin Chapter 5.

EQ: What are the present, imperfect and future forms of the verb to be "sum, esse, fui"?

Quizlet Live: vocabulary from chapters 1-4
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04

Direct and guided: Vocabulary for chapter 05

Copy conjugation of sum:
Present: sum, es, est, sumus, estis sunt
Imperfect: eram, eras, erat, eramus eratis erant
Future: ero, eris, erit, erimus, eritis, erunt.

Now the conjugation of eo, ire (to go)
Present: eo, is, it, imus, itis, eunt
Imperfect: ibam, ibas, ibat, ibamus, ibatis ibant.
Future: ibo, ibis, ibit, ibimus, ibitis ibunt

Direct and guided: Read aloud chapter 05 with Q & A. Focus on the verb "to be" and "to go"; and recognizing the perfect tense.

Independent: complete reading guide for Chapter 05

Board race with vocabulary from Chapters 1-5

Homework: Complete all reading guides. Study the vocabulary for Chapters 05-06.

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