Monday, May 20, 2019

Week of May 20

NL.CLL.4.2 Recognize cultural expectations of people in both the target culture and the students’ culture.
NM.COD.4.2 Identify information about target culture perspectives and practices.
Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL.CLL.2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL.CLL.2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language

Recognize cognates in English derived from target language and how to use them as context clues.

Objective: Continue reading aloud and completing reading guides for Familia Mala. Focus on verb stems and endings.

EQ. How does Saturn change in the story? What is Rhea's reaction?

Quizlet Live: vocabulary from chapters 1-4
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04

Whole group: Continue reading aloud with Q & A Familia Mala. Repeat a chapter if necessary due to absences on Friday.

Independent: Reading guide.

Board race with vocabulary. 

Homework: study vocabulary in Quizlet for Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.  Complete any unfinished reading guides.

Tuesday May 21

Objective: Continue reading aloud and completing reading guides for Familia Mala. Focus on verb stems and endings.

EQ: Can you identify the irregular verbs sum and eo in the present, future, imperfect and perfect tenses?

Quizlet set on eo, ire "to go"
Quizlet set on sum, esse "to be"
Quiz on sum and eo in Quia.
Irregular verbs sum and eo

Whole group: Continue reading aloud with Q & A Familia Mala. 

Independent: Reading guide.

Practice vocabulary with "Say it with feeling" game. (20 minutes)

Homework: Homework: study vocabulary in Quizlet for Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.  Complete any unfinished reading guides.

Wednesday May 22

Objective: Continue reading aloud and completing reading guides for Familia Mala. Focus on verb stems and endings.

Bellwork: Quiz vocabulary Chapters 05-06. (Quia)

Whole group: Continue reading aloud with Q & A Familia Mala. 

Independent: Reading guide.

Charades with vocabulary and characters from the story.

Homework: Vocabulary Chapter 07 Familia Mala in Quizlet

Friday May 24

Objective: Continue building reading fluency and vocabulary

EQ. What are the names of the first Olympian gods?

Study vocabulary for Chapters 07-09

Powerpoint: Gladiators (in Google Classroom)

Whole group: Continue reading aloud with Q & A Familia Mala. 

Independent: Reading guide.

Charades with vocabulary and characters from the story. Vocabulary list is here.

Homework: Complete reading guides 1-9

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