Thursday, December 19, 2019

Thursday December 19

06-07 Vocabulary Ego Polyphemus Quia Quiz 

Practice answering Comprehension Questions for Ego Polyphemus 1-4. (Sentences on board)

Continue with Polyphemus worksheets.

NOTE: Over the break it would be a good idea for you to check quizzes that have be assigned. Most quizzes can be taken more that once.  I will create an assignment in Google Classroom with links to the quizzes. This is a way to boost your grade. 

05-08 Chapters Quizlet Vocabulary for Ego Polyphemus

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Wednesday December 18 Saturnalia

Wednesday December 18

One of the most important Roman holidays was Saturnalia. This PowerPoint gives you the basics of Saturnalia Customs.

Greetings: Io Saturnalia (Ho, Yo, Hurray Saturnalia).  Sit prospera Saturnalia (May your Saturnalia be prosperous, bring good things, be lucky)

Make a Saturnalia card for a friend or relative. Use one of the greetings.

3rd period Latin only: Somehow, most of you missed doing a Quia Vocabulary Quiz last week. Here it is:  01-05 Ego Polyphemeus Vocabulary

As time allows: Finish verb conjugations assigned yesterday. Then continue with you Ego Polyphemus work sheets.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tuesday December 17 - Verb review and Ego Polyphemus

Tuesday December 17
Homework: Study Verbs in Ego Polyphemus
sum - I am
habet - s/he has
erat  s/he was
faciunt - the are doing, making
placent -they are pleasing to
habitabam - I was living, used to live
investigabunt they will investigate
auditis . - you plural hear
it -s/he goes
habito- I live
audiebamus . - we were hearing
facit - s/he makes
consumebant - they were eating
olet - it smells
puto, putare - I think
noli me consumere - don't eat me

000 Verbs from Ego Polyphemus

Verb Terminology
Person and Number - Indicate what kind of subject is performing the verb

Tense means time - that time when the action of a verb happens. There are six tenses in Latin

Conjugation - means verb type; there are 4 conjugations in Latin. Each type has slightly different endings.

Infinitives (the "to verb" form) tells you the conjugation to which a verb belongs.  
rogare - to ask 
videre (long -e) to see
legere to read
venire - to come

See the Infinitive Ending box below.

Personal Endings: -o/m  -s  -t  -mus -tis  -nt
ambulo = I walk       sum = I am

Direct instruction.  Demonstrate conjugating a verb from Chapter 06

Independent Read through Chapter 6 of Ego Polyphemus.  Identify 10 verbs. Conjugate FOUR of them in you notes.
Quia 000 Verbs from Ego Polyphemus

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Monday December 16

Monday December 16

Bellwork for First Period Latin: Vocabulary for Chapter 05 Ego Polyphemus.  

First period:

01-05 Ego Polyphemeus Vocabulary

000 Verbs from Ego Polyphemus

Bellwork for Third period Latin: Quizlet Vocabulary for Chapters 03 &04 Ego PolyphemusVocabulary for Chapter 05 Ego Polyphemus.   

Go to Ego Polyphemus text in Google Classroom

Guided whole class translation of selections from 05 Ego Polyphemus.

Third period Latin: Kahoot Quiz on Chapters 03 and 04 Ego Polyphemus

Both classes: Work on work sheets.

Skip. Both classes: Quizlet Live 
Vocabulary for Chapter 05 Ego Polyphemus.   

HomeworkHere is the link to all study sets for Ego Polyphemus in Quizlet. Study these a little each day. Study 5-6 for Tuesday quiz.

Link to Quizlet set of all words in Ego Polypheumus (140 words)

Friday, December 13, 2019

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Thursday December 12 Ego Polyphemus

EQ. Are you using cognates (derivatives) and context clues to make sense of Ego Polyphemus without looking up words. 

Quizlet Live: Words from Chapters 01-03 Ego Polyphemus

Guided instruction: group translation of Ego Polyphemus. With attention to cognates/derivatives.

Work on your Ego Polyphemus handouts. Remember detail and Latin labels are important for your drawings. The Polyphemus work sheets will count as  50% of your final grade. Vocabulary quizzes 30% of your final grade. 

Here is the link to all study sets for Ego Polyphemus in Quizlet. Study these a little each day.

Exit ticket
02 Ego Polyphemus Vocabulary Kahoot

Homework: Study vocabulary for Ego Polyphemus with this Quizlet set. Study vocabulary for Ego Polyphemus chapter 03-04 in Quizlet

Next week: 
06-07 Vocabulary Ego Polyphemus

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Wednesday December 11 - Noun declension endings and Ego Polyphemus

Bellwork: Polyphemus lives in a cave (spelunca).  Spelunca gives us various words relating to caves. 
1. spelunking: to explore caves, especially as a hobby.
2. spelunker: a person who explores caves, especially as a hobby.
Study these Quizlet sets to prepare for Kahoot quizzes:
01 Chapter Ego Polyphemus Vocabulary
02 Chapter Ego Polyphemus Vocabulary

Declension endings:

Direct instruction: Declension endings (1-3). Source: Looking at Latin.

Latin I 3rd periodKahoot: Vocabulary for Ego Polyphemus Chapter 01 (3rd period did not get to this)

Both classes
02 Ego Polyphemus Vocabulary Kahoot

Monday, December 9, 2019

Tuesday December 10 - Review and Ego Polyphemus

REVIEW: Nouns adjectives and declensions

Direct instruction. Study sheet in Google Classroom (Review Materials on nouns and declensions - Looking at Latin)

Kahoot: Nouns, declensions, endings (time extended to 30 seconds for 3rd period) To play again for practice follow this link.

Kahoot: Vocabulary for Ego Polyphemus Chapter 01 (3rd period did not get to this)

01 Chapter Ego Polyphemus Vocabulary
02 Chapter Ego Polyphemus Vocabulary

LINK to all Ego Polyphemus Quizlet sets

Monday December 9

EQ. What are the present tense endings of verbs? How do you find a verbs stem? How many conjugations (verb families are there?)

Handout: Present tense verbs from Looking at Latin.

More on noun adjective agreement (board work or white boards)

06 Chapter Ecce Adjective Agreement and Plural Accusatives-32 questions Unlimited. Everyone needs to do this.

Introduction to Ego Polyphemus Work Sheets.

09 Translation matching puzzle. Review of vocabulary 01-09.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thursday December 5 - 6 Review

December 5-6

EQ. Can adjectives belong to the first, second and third declensions?  What is tricky about noun-adjective agreement? What are the endings of first, second and third declension nouns? What is the genitive singular ending of third declension nouns? How well have you learned the vocabulary for Chapters 1-7, 9? 

December 6 - Friday

Bellwork: Review vocabulary from Chapter 09 in Quizlet

Vocabulary from Quia - 07 Ecce Romani Vocabulary Review 69 terms -  07 Ecce Romani Vocabulary Review 69 terms
Vocabulary puzzle-match Latin with definitions to create an 8 x 11 rectangle.

Kahoot: Vocabulary from Chapter 09.

Quia 06 Ecce Romani Adjective Agreement and Plural Accusatives - 32 Questions

Thursday December 05

October 9 - Gender

06 Chapter Ecce Adjective Agreement and Plural Accusatives-32 questions Unlimited. Everyone needs to do this.

09 Translation matching puzzle. Did they do this in class?

10 Ecce Romani Translation Matching: Unlimited attempts. Sidney, Samantha and Myen do not have to take this again.

Whole group guided: translating Ego Polyphemus.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Wednesday November 4

Objective: review assignments since October 21.
EQ. What are the endings for first, second and third declension nouns and adjectives? How do you determine a noun's gender? How do you look up a word you don't recognize?

What does productive effort look like?
1. I make good use of class time and do not distract myself or others
2. I give full attention to the teacher, the blog and assignments
3. I read carefully the blog entry for each day
4. I review past blog entries
5. I take care to follow directions (90% of student mistakes are the result of not following directions)
6. I keep my notebook up-to-date and well organized (page numbers, dates, notes from class or blog, vocabulary words). I may allow you to use your notebooks for the final exam. You will need them to be complete and well organized. 
7. I get assignments in on time.
8. I do the homework
9. I seek clarification from the teacher in a respectful way when I have a question about something, raising three fingers.
10. I do not use my phone in class unless I need it for Latin classwork. 
11. I take responsibility for my learning and set high goals for myself. 

Endings: see colored chart on declensions; endings are also on the wall.

Using Latdict.

Link for turning in late translations for Ego Polyphemus

Quizlet Live for Ego Polyphemus

Translating Ego Polyphemus

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Monday December 2- Tuesday December 3

Tuesday December 3
Link to Google Classroom

Many of you turned in notebooks in which I could not locate translations of Ego Polyphemus. Some did not post translations in Google Classroom either. I am going to give you another day to do more translations and POST THEM IN GOOGLE CLASSROOM. 

Note the Quia practice exercises can be taken 5 times. 

Direct link to Ego Polyphemus text.

Homework: Study for Vocabulary test tomorrow with this Quizlet set. It would be a good idea to copy these words into your notebooks (or a piece of paper you will later add to your notebook).

Monday November 2
Ms Lawrence: Message.Message

Students: I need one of you to share your iPad with Ms. Lawrence so she can read my message to her about class today.

My doctor has said that I can return to the classroom on Wednesday, rather than today, as I had hoped.  So hang in for two more days.

Task 01. Many of you have not submitted your translations of Ego Polyphemus to Google Classroom. Those who have, did very well. 
If you have done your translations in your notebook or on separate pages, I want you to hand these in today. I will pick up your papers this afternoon and return them tomorrow.  Even better would be to take a picture of your work and submit it though Google Classroom. 

Task 02. Review the forms of the first, second and third declensions on the chart above. Look at the declension wall charts to remind yourself of what each case (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative and vocative) tells you about the function of the noun in a sentence.

Quia noun cases 38 questions (can take 5 times; best score)

Task 03

Quia 06 Ecce Romani Adjective Agreement and Plural Accusatives - 32 Questions (can take 5 times; best score)

Task 04
Continue translating Ego Polyphemus. Direct link to Ego Polyphemus text.

Task 05. If you have not done the "Who said that assignment" (last Tuesday), you have until tomorrow to do it:
This Quizlet set asks you to identify which character is described and what s/he says in the story
05-07 Ego Polyphemus. Quis est? Quis dicit?With a partner, find the answer in chapters 5-7. Record the question and the page on which the answer appears.