Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tuesday December 17 - Verb review and Ego Polyphemus

Tuesday December 17
Homework: Study Verbs in Ego Polyphemus
sum - I am
habet - s/he has
erat  s/he was
faciunt - the are doing, making
placent -they are pleasing to
habitabam - I was living, used to live
investigabunt they will investigate
auditis . - you plural hear
it -s/he goes
habito- I live
audiebamus . - we were hearing
facit - s/he makes
consumebant - they were eating
olet - it smells
puto, putare - I think
noli me consumere - don't eat me

000 Verbs from Ego Polyphemus

Verb Terminology
Person and Number - Indicate what kind of subject is performing the verb

Tense means time - that time when the action of a verb happens. There are six tenses in Latin

Conjugation - means verb type; there are 4 conjugations in Latin. Each type has slightly different endings.

Infinitives (the "to verb" form) tells you the conjugation to which a verb belongs.  
rogare - to ask 
videre (long -e) to see
legere to read
venire - to come

See the Infinitive Ending box below.

Personal Endings: -o/m  -s  -t  -mus -tis  -nt
ambulo = I walk       sum = I am

Direct instruction.  Demonstrate conjugating a verb from Chapter 06

Independent Read through Chapter 6 of Ego Polyphemus.  Identify 10 verbs. Conjugate FOUR of them in you notes.
Quia 000 Verbs from Ego Polyphemus

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