Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Wednesday November 4

Objective: review assignments since October 21.
EQ. What are the endings for first, second and third declension nouns and adjectives? How do you determine a noun's gender? How do you look up a word you don't recognize?

What does productive effort look like?
1. I make good use of class time and do not distract myself or others
2. I give full attention to the teacher, the blog and assignments
3. I read carefully the blog entry for each day
4. I review past blog entries
5. I take care to follow directions (90% of student mistakes are the result of not following directions)
6. I keep my notebook up-to-date and well organized (page numbers, dates, notes from class or blog, vocabulary words). I may allow you to use your notebooks for the final exam. You will need them to be complete and well organized. 
7. I get assignments in on time.
8. I do the homework
9. I seek clarification from the teacher in a respectful way when I have a question about something, raising three fingers.
10. I do not use my phone in class unless I need it for Latin classwork. 
11. I take responsibility for my learning and set high goals for myself. 

Endings: see colored chart on declensions; endings are also on the wall.

Using Latdict.

Link for turning in late translations for Ego Polyphemus

Quizlet Live for Ego Polyphemus

Translating Ego Polyphemus

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