Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Wednesday December 18 Saturnalia

Wednesday December 18

One of the most important Roman holidays was Saturnalia. This PowerPoint gives you the basics of Saturnalia Customs.

Greetings: Io Saturnalia (Ho, Yo, Hurray Saturnalia).  Sit prospera Saturnalia (May your Saturnalia be prosperous, bring good things, be lucky)

Make a Saturnalia card for a friend or relative. Use one of the greetings.

3rd period Latin only: Somehow, most of you missed doing a Quia Vocabulary Quiz last week. Here it is:  01-05 Ego Polyphemeus Vocabulary

As time allows: Finish verb conjugations assigned yesterday. Then continue with you Ego Polyphemus work sheets.

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