Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Make sure you have done the following assignments - grades go in tomorrow

Thursday October 30-Update - Please share this with the substitute teacher. 

Previously assigned:

09 Pre-reading derivatives

9a Responde Latine - questions on story 09 "Goodbye"

9a Vocabulary

9b Grammar

You can find links to make-up quizzes here. Not all of these were assigned, but if you take these quizzes they can substitute for quizzes you missed or skipped or were absent for. 

Then continue with your Dei et Dea (gods and goddesses) packet.

In the last 30 minutes play the puzzle game, if you have not done it yet. The puzzle pieces are in plastic bags in a small tub. Directions are also in the bag. Sub has a copy. Find them also here.

God and Goddesses Project (new due date; November 5):

Readings for gods and goddesses project. PROCESS: You will choose two gods, goddesses, or mythological beings. One from your Dei et deae text and the textbook essay. The second you will choose from those discussed by Rose Williams in the category of "near by gods." You may also use information from Williams' "Far Away Gods" for your first god (there is overlap).

OUTCOME: Then you will create a small poster for each of your two gods. The most important things to represent in your posters are the domains (or things that represent the domains) of each god; and the symbols, attributes and/or animals associated with the god (for example: lightening bolt, eagle, throne etc for Jupiter. You also might want to include Jupiter's wife (Juno) or his messenger (Mercury). If the god/dess has a planet or constellation named after him/her you might want to include that.

Project on Gods and Goddesses

1. Take some time to look through all pages of the handout. Look in particular at the questions at the end. The Latin text will help you answer the questions.  Pages 68-69 in your textbook will help you too. Find it here.

2. So read/study pages 68-69.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Monday October 28 -Friday November 1

Monday October 28

I am not sure why, but work is missing from last week's assignments.  So I am giving you all a second chance. Some of you achieved high grades on your first tries. I will take your highest grade. But I do want you all, except students named below,  to try to take the Quia quizzes again. 

Task 01
08 Ecce Romani Verb Endings - 2019 October 27 (you can take this 2 times)

Task 02
08 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary, SUM, and Personal Pronoun Indicators -40 questions
Samantha, Marci and Madison scored over 100% - so you don't need to take the test again. 

Task 03
08c Exercise on verbs and persons

M'yen and Sierra scored 100% - so no need to re-take.

Task 04
Study on page 56 "Nouns and Adjectives: Vocative"
Study Word Study II Section pages 57-58
Review Patria Potestas pages 59-61 
Then do this assignment in Quia (you can take this two times):
08 Ecce Romani Quiz - Vocabulary Potestas Patria - Grammar -45 Questions.

Task 05
Go to Google Classroom to see the new story and its vocabulary. Copy the vocabulary into your notebooks, take a picture and post it with the story and vocabulary. You may also copy the vocabulary directly from the book (page 63).

Task 06
Go to Google Classroom and do the pre-reading derivatives for Chapter 9.  Submit. Due Tuesday evening.

Tuesday October 29

Task 07. Exercise 9a Responde Latine. Answer the questions with full Latin sentences. You can work collaboratively. Submit your individual answers through Google Classroom. The questions are in a Word Document. So you can download the file, answer on the same sheet, then upload your answers with the questions. OR you can copy the four questions below and answer them in Latin. Take a picture and submit.

_9a Responde Latine EXERCISE 9a
1. Cur nemo Corneliam conspicit?   2. Quo Cornelia Flaviam ducit?

3. Cur est Cornelia misera?              4. Cur est Flavia misera?

Task 08. Translation matching gameStudents: Close books and notebooks. Teacher: Give each student the three-page handout with English translations of Story 09 "Goodbye" on the left side of each page. Students, put your name and the date on your handout.  Teacher: distribute one index card with a Latin translation on it to each student in the class. You will have some extra translations. Attach these to the whiteboard using the magnets on the left side of the board.  

Each student should match the Latin on their index card with the English on their handout. When a student has finished s/he can take a card from another student who has finished with a card (i.e. trade cards), or take a card from the board and put your used card on the board. 

Students should continue recording translations and exchanging used cards for new ones - taking a new card either from another student or from the board - until each has a complete translation. 

Students. Note that some cards have a grammar question in addition to the translation. You must answer this too. 

Students: When you have finished go on to Task 09 and 10.

Task 09 page 65 textbook. Sudents: Copy correct endings onto the chart and put the chart in your notebook.  Teacher has copies of these charts. At the same time, put the story and vocabulary for Chapter 09 into your notebook. Teacher has copies of this too. 

Task 10
Exercise 9b and grammar material on page 64. Study page 64 then do 9b and submit it in Google Classroom 

Get a head start on tomorrow's assignments if you finish the ones for Tuesday. 

Wedesday October 30

Task 11a. Major Gods and Goddesses. Handout: Six-page worksheet. Read pages 68-69 before you attempt to translate in your notebooks the Latin text on your handout so you can fill out the accompanying chart and questions. 

Task 11b. PowerPoint on Roman Gods. Study this before you continue.

Task 12. When you have finished learning about the major Roman gods and goddess (Task 11) Take the Quia quiz on the gods and goddesses.  You should complete the chart on the gods and then answer the questions about them before attempting the quia quiz. You can take this quiz twice. If you run out of time before you can finish the quiz, plan to take it on Thursday or do it for homework.
09 Ecce Romani Dei et Deae (Latina Mythica)

Task 13. Puzzle Vocabulary Game. Teacher: start this game 35-40 minutes before the end of class. Find instructions here.  Teacher: divide students in groups of 3-4 and give each a bag of puzzle pieces. Each bag has puzzle pieces and instructions for completing the puzzle. ----------------------------------------------
Thursday October 31
Task 14
Read the essay on The Roman Gods by Rose Williams (in Google Classroom), take notes, study. When you feel you have mastered the material then take the Quia quiz. There is a lot of information in the  essay by Rose Williams, so plan to give some serious time to learning it. There is a link in Google Classroom and here to the Quia quiz:
09 Chapter Ecce Roman Gods according to Rose Williams - October 2019

Task 12. Finish the quiz, on Major Gods and Goddesses (Textbook), if you were not able to do it on Wednesday.
09 Ecce Romani Dei et Deae (Latina Mythica)


Friday November 1

Finish anything you have not finished during the week. You must turn in your god/goddess 6-page worksheet at the end of class. 

Sources for deity poster:

Choose a god or goddess discussed in your textbook page 68-69 or by Rose Williams.  Create a small poster of your chosen god, that includes their relationships (father (pater), son (filius), mother (mater), daughter (filia), sister (soror), brother (frater). AND includes the god or goddess attributes (lightening, crops, eagle, peacock, wealth, death, sea, wisdom... etc.) Use class and homework time to create your poster. Use colored pencils or markers. DUE: Monday November 4. Take a picture and submit here.  Strive to make a poster that is worthy of being put up in the hallway. Neatness counts very much. 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Friday October 25

Friday October 25

HOMEWORK. Check Google Classroom for assignments you have not turned in and do them. Start with Chapter 8 and work backwards.

Task 01 Read "Patria Potestas" in the Roman Life section of your textbook pages 59-61 and answer questions about the reading. Both are in Google Classroom.  Teacher has some hard copies for those who might need them. (40 minutes)

Task 02: Create Your Own Story. Go to Google Classroom for the assignment.  Be careful with your composition. Don't just throw words on the page without thinking of how they must agree with other parts of the sentence. 

HOMEWORK. Check Google Classroom for assignments you have not turned in and do them. Start with Chapter 8 and work backwards.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Monday October 21

Monday October 21. Note: tomorrow you will have a unit test on chapters 1-7. The activities today will help prepare you for this test. 

Students: if you finish a task before everyone in the class finishes it, go here to study vocabulary sets for test tomorrow.

Task 1. Whole class vocabulary game VINCO. Vinco (means "I win" in Latin; it is the same as Bingo).

a.  TEACHER: Distribute 6 blank Vinco sheets to each student and the list of words from chapters 01-07. (HANDOUTS)

b. STUDENTS: Fill out the spaces on TWO Vinco sheet with LATIN words from Chapter 04 and 01 (page 1 word list). Don't combine lists. One Vinco sheet for 04 and one for 01.  Then turn over the vocabulary lists so you cannot see the definitions.

c. TEACHER: The teacher will then call out ENGLISH words from Chapter 04  random order. 
                  Mark with a check words as you call them out so you                        won't call out the same word twice. Hold onto your                          vocabulary sheets because you will use them again with                    Latin III. 

d. STUDENTS: Cover the Latin word on your sheet when/if the teacher calls out the English definition. The goal, as in Bingo, is to have five covered words in a row, horizontal or diagonal

e.  TEACHER  Play until there are winners. Check the "winner's" covered words to make sure they covered the words you called out. 

f. TEACHER: record the winners for future prizes.

q. STUDENTS: Please don't write on word lists because you will turn them in so another class can use them. 

Task 2. Vinco. New game.  This time play the game with Chapter 04 words which you have already copied from page 1. Follow the directions given above c-f.

Tasks 3-4. Two new game games. Now fill out TWO new Vinco sheets with words from Chapter 05 on one sheet (page 4) and Chapters 06 and 02 combined on the second sheet (pages 4 and 2 of vocabulary lists). Turn over the lists. Play the two games following the directions given above c-f.

Task 5-6. Vinco two new game games with words from Chapter 07 (page 3) and Chapter 03 (page 5). Use two separate Vinco sheets. Play the two games following the directions given above c-f.

Teacher: STOP 25 MINUTES BEFORE THE END OF CLASS, so student can do Task 7. First period stop at 8:35. Third period stop at 12:35. 

Task 7. Students -01-07 Mega Vocabulary Practice Test. Recommended: do this also for homework.

HOMEWORK. Exercise 7b, textbook page 40 in Google Classroom (plural nouns-a graded assignment***).  Vocabulary Practice Test: Task 6 above.
Tomorrow you have a Unit Test for chapters 1-7. The mega vocabulary test and Exercise 7b will help prepare you for it. 

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Tuesday October 22

TEACHER: ask students to go to the student blog and use the links to do Task 01. If a student does not have a device, send him/her to the media center to check out a Chrome Book. Each student needs to have their own device. 

Task 01
10-07 Mega Vocabulary Test. 
Students receive assignment notifications at
OR and enter this code 566284

Task 02
TEACHER: Handout the one-page Unit Test on "Aeneas Leaves Troy."

STUDENTS: Unit test for Chapters 1-7. (Handout) Read the directions carefully. Write your answers on your own paper. You must answer the questions following the story in complete Latin sentence, using the story as a guide.  Then take a picture of your test and submit it to Google Classroom. Do not write on test.

Turn in the test and your answers to the teacher at the end of class. 

TEACHER: collect the test to use for Latin 03. Paper clip the student answer sheets and put them in a folder. Folders are in bottom right hand drawer of desk. 

HOMEWORK and Classwork if students have extra time: Study vocabulary for Chapter 08 in Quizlet.

Monday October 21 - Review Ecce Romani Chapters 01-07

02 Chapter Ecce Romani Vocabulary (20 terms)

03 Chapter Ecce Romani Vocabulary - dictionary forms (29)

03 Chapter Ecce Romani Vocabulary - as words appear in vocabulary list (25)

03 Chapter Vocabulary Roman Dress (14 terms)

04 Chapter Ecce Romani Vocabulary -dictionary forms (29 terms)

04 Chapter Ecce Romani Vocabulary - as words appear in vocabulary list (28 terms)

05 Chapter Ecce Romani Vocabulary (39 terms)

05 Chapter Ecce Romani Derivatives (9 terms)

06 Chapter Ecce Romani Vocabulary

01-07 All Vocabulary (148 terms)

Friday, October 18, 2019

Wednesday October 23

Latin Verbs. Present tense endings.


Task 01
Use the story to answer Responde Latine questions in Latin. Full sentences. Go here in Google Classroom. You can answer the questions in Google Classroom or in your notebooks. If you do it in your notebooks, take a picture of your answers and submit them in Google Classroom. Teacher has hard copies of this assignment.

8a Responde Latine EXERCISE 8a
1. Cur est Aurelia irata?
2. Cur necesse est omnia statim parare?
3. Quid Aurelia in cubiculo Marci clamat?
4. Quid facit Marcus?
5. Surgitne Sextus?
6. Quid facit Sextus?
7. Cur Marcus non surgit?
8. Quis subito intrat?

9. Cur Marcus surgit?

Task 02. (Hard copies in sub notebookPre-reading derivatives. Use and to give full, good definitions of highlighted words. On first line put the word from the vocabulary list to which the English word is related/derived. Then put the definition of the word. If you answer on your own paper include the highlighted word you are defining. 
Task 03
Read page 54 on Verb Forms and take notes on the content of this page.  Copy the charts into your notebooks. 
Note the "person" of a verb refers to the subject that is doing the answer of a verb. The ending of the verb must agree with the subject doing the action. Is the subject I, you, s/he it, we, y'all or they/a plural subject? These are persons and each one has its own ending. 

Task 04. Study these sentences.
Sextus est laetus.  What is the person? Third because Sextus is the subject and he is a 3rd person singular actor.

Tu es laetus, Sexte, Cur? What is the person of es? Second because the subject is "tu (you singular)"

Ego sum laetus quod Roman ire volo. What is the person of sum? First because the subject is "ego" (I). 

Servi sunt defessi. What is the person of sunt? Third plural because the subject is servi (slaves).

Vos estis defessi, servi. Cur? What is the person of estis? Second person plural because the subject is "vos" (you all).

Defessi sumus quod strenue laboramus. What is the person of sumus and laboramus?  First person plural (we).

Task 05.
Classwork and/or homework: QUIA: 08 Ecce Romani Verb Endings  

Thursday October 24

Thursday October 24

Task 01. Spend 10 minutes studying the vocabulary for Chapter 08

Task 02. Do Activity Book 8b "Vocabulary in Context" (below).  You can either write out the sentences, filling in the blanks, in your notebook, then take a picture of it and submit it through Google Classroom. Or fill out the answers on the pdf in Google Classroom.  Teacher as a few hard copies for those who need them.

Personal Pronouns page 54. (Student Notes)
Nominative/subjects: ego (I), tu (you singular), nos (we) vos (you plural)
Accusative/direct object: me, te, nos, vos
Dative/indirect object: mihi, tibi, nobis, vobis

Task 03. 08c Textbook Exercise on verbs and persons (2 attempts; 20 questions)

Task 04.
08 Ecce Romani I Vocabulary, SUM, and Personal Pronoun Indicators -40 questions
You can take this three times. Best try counts. 

HOMEWORK: Study vocabulary for Chapter 08

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Friday October 18

Friday October 18

Use this Quizizz set to practice the parts of a Roman House

Keep working on your advertisement until it is as neat and elegant as possible. 

Turn in your finished project to the substitute. 

Practice sentences for Chapter 07

Then take a quiz on the sentences by going to
and enter this code 410916

Thrursday October 17 - Houses of Pompeii - Advertisement Project

Thursday October 17

Bellwork: Read pages 45-48 The Roman Villa. Label the parts of the house diagram (handout). Make sure you have done the Quizizz vocabulary test assigned for homework before you go on.

Check your answers to 7f (classwork for Wednesday) by going to this link. Make corrections. Record questions.

ProjectAdvertisement for a house in Pompei (Thursday-Friday)

Congratulations!  You have been selected to sell a Roman house in Pompeii or Herculaneum.  It is your job to create an advertisement, whether that be a brochure, flyer, etc., that will get your house sold as quickly as possible.  Here is the information you need to include to get your house sold:

·         A brief history of your house (when it was built, etc.)
·         Anything interesting or unique about your house
·         The main features of your house (i.e. number of atria, triclinia, cubicula, etc.)
·         The address of your house
·         The size & specifics of your house
·         Any artifacts related to your house that will come             with it when sold (i.e. a statue or a special mosaic)
·         At least 2 pictures (black and white)

Note: Use Latin for names of rooms, villa. hortus,  peristylum and other words we have learned about houses. The rest of your ad can be in English. Remember this is an advertisement, so do it up!

Neatness and detail will be an important part of your grade. Spend some time researching your house. Correct spelling is essential. Use the large pieces of paper behind the teacher's desk and the room's colored pencils. Plan how you will arrange information on the page. Sketch out your design first.

This is worth two quiz grades

Websites for Information:
o (look on the right side bar for house names)
o (search this site for your house, they have most of them!)

For copy of assignment and full list of houses see Google Classroom.

For good short videos that reconstruct houses in Pompeii see
House of Sallust
House of Caecilius
House of the Faun
Villa of the Mysteries
House of the Vettii
Playlist of 6 videos on Pompeian Houses by Open University

Homework: Research house; watch videos,  print out any images or text that you would like to use in your real estate ad.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wednesday October 17

Wednesday October 16
NL.CLL.4.2 Recognize cultural expectations of people in both the target culture and the students’ culture.
NM.COD.4.2 Identify information about target culture perspectives and practises.
Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL.CLL.2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL.CLL.2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language

Objective: Introduction to Chapter 7. Accusative plural nouns. Vocabulary Review

EQ. Can you identify subjects and direct objects in Latin Declensions 1-3? Match them with their correct adjectives?

Bellwork (on your own paper):
Write out the following sentences and fill in the blanks  with information on pages 41

1. The subject case is called ________
2. The direct object case is called ___________
3. First declension nouns in the accusative plural end in ______.
4. Second declension nouns in the accusative plural end in ______.
5. In the 2nd declension, most nouns end in _____ in the nominative singular, but some end in _______. They end in ____ in the accusative singular and ______ in the accusative plural.
6. In the 3rd declension, masculine and feminine nominative nouns end in _________. Accusative singular in __ and accusative plural in _____.
7. Most 1st declension nouns are what gender?
8. Most 2nd declension nouns are what gender?
9. Third declension nouns include what genders?

Ask substitute for answers.

7f (p.44) Read aloud, identify subjects and direct objects, translate.

1. Servus senators videt.

2. Arbores pueri saepe ascendunt.

3. Clamores puellas terrent.

4. Patres magnos fragores audiunt.

5. Patrem voces vexant.

6. Voces in horto audit.

7. Patres in via conspiciunt.

8. Patres pueros in via conspiciunt.

9. Patres solliciti clamores audiunt.

10. Magnas voces patres audiunt.

In groups or pairs: Translate Story 07 identifying subjects and direct objects.

Sub has two handouts on villa plans for you. Put these in your notebooks. Study the floor plans of Roman villa (here and in handout). Then view the Powerpoint on Roman houses (link below)Roman houses and villae (Handouts)

Direct Instruction: PowerPoint on Roman Insulae, Domus et Villae. (Google Classroom)

Homework: Vocabulary Review for Chapters 1-6 in Quizizz. Go to If you don't see the set after you log in, go ti and enter this code 213596.
Study PowerPoint on Roman Insulae, Domus et Villae. (Google Classroom)

Monday, October 14, 2019

07 News from Rome Tuesday October 14- Friday October 18

Tuesday October 15 - Friday October 18

NL.CLL.4.2 Recognize cultural expectations of people in both the target culture and the students’ culture.
NM.COD.4.2 Identify information about target culture perspectives and practises.
Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL.CLL.2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL.CLL.2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language
NL.CLL.4.3 Recognize examples of cognates and loan words.

Objective: Introduction to Chapter 7. Accusative plural nouns. Vocabulary Review

EQ. What are the singular forms/ending for Latin nouns? What are the plural forms?

Bellwork: Copy the vocabulary from Chapter 07
Chapter 07 News from Rome

Pre-reading questions.

a. To whom are the children speaking in the road?
b. What is he carrying?
c. Where did he come from?
d. How did he get to the villa.
e. What is Cornelius doing?
f. What case governs the subject of a sentence?
g. What case governs the direct object of a sentence?
h. Do you anticipate that case ending will change when subjects and objects become plural?
i. How many of the five declensions have we met so far? (p. 41)

Questions on the text. Answer these questions in Latin using the story as a guide, page 39 in textbook. Also in Google Classroom.

Independently answer question 7a in Responde Latine. Go to Google Classroom for a copy of the questions and the way to submit your answers.

Read about accusative plural nouns and adjectives on page 40. 

Do exercise 7b on page 40 write on your own paper and give your work to the sub. Don't forget to include your name and the date.


Wednesday October 16
NL.CLL.4.2 Recognize cultural expectations of people in both the target culture and the students’ culture.
NM.COD.4.2 Identify information about target culture perspectives and practises.
Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL.CLL.2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL.CLL.2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language

Objective: Introduction to Chapter 7. Accusative plural nouns. Vocabulary Review

EQ. Can you identify subjects and direct objects in Latin Declensions 1-3? Match them with their correct adjectives?

Bellwork (on your own paper):
Write out the following sentences and fill in the blanks  with information on pages 41

1. The subject case is called ________
2. The direct object case is called ___________
3. First declension nouns in the accusative plural end in ______.
4. Second declension nouns in the accusative plural end in ______.
5. In the 2nd declension, most nouns end in _____ in the nominative singular, but some end in _______. They end in ____ in the accusative singular and ______ in the accusative plural.
6. In the 3rd declension, masculine and feminine nominative nouns end in _________. Accusative singular in __ and accusative plural in _____.
7. Most 1st declension nouns are what gender?
8. Most 2nd declension nouns are what gender?
9. Third declension nouns include what genders?

7f (p.44) Read aloud, identify subjects and direct objects, translate.

1. Servus senators videt.

2. Arbores pueri saepe ascendunt.

3. Clamores puellas terrent.

4. Patres magnos fragores audiunt.

5. Patrem voces vexant.

6. Voces in horto audit.

7. Patres in via conspiciunt.

8. Patres pueros in via conspiciunt.

9. Patres solliciti clamores audiunt.

10. Magnas voces patres audiunt.

Guided group: Translate Story 07 identifying subjects and direct objects.

Study the floor plans of Roman villa (here and in handout). Then view the Powerpoint on Roman houses (link below)Roman houses and villae (Handouts)

Direct Instruction: PowerPoint on Roman Insulae, Domus et Villae. (Google Classroom)

Homework: Vocabulary Review for Chapters 1-6 in Quizizz. Go to If you don't see the set after you log in, go ti and enter this code 213596

Thursday October 17

Bellwork: Read pages 45-48 The Roman Villa. Label the parts of the house diagram (handout). Make sure you have done the Quizizz vocabulary test assigned for homework before you go on.

Check your answers to 7f (classwork for Wednesday) by going to this link. Make corrections. Record questions.

Project: Advertisement for a house in Pompei (Thursday-Friday)

Congratulations!  You have been selected to sell a Roman house in Pompeii or Herculaneum.  It is your job to create an advertisement, whether that be a brochure, flyer, etc., that will get your house sold as quickly as possible.  Here is the information you need to include to get your house sold:

·         A brief history of your house (when it was built, etc.)
·         Anything interesting or unique about your house
·         The main features of your house (i.e. number of atria, triclinia, cubicula, etc.)
·         The address of your house
·         The size & specifics of your house
·         Any artifacts related to your house that will come             with it when sold (i.e. a statue or a special mosaic)
·         At least 2 pictures (black and white)

Note: Use Latin for names of rooms, villa. hortus,  peristylum and other words we have learned about houses. The rest of your ad can be in English. Remember this is an advertisement, so do it up!

Neatness and detail will be an important part of your grade. Spend some time researching your house. Correct spelling is essential. Use the large pieces of paper behind the teacher's desk and the room's colored pencils. Plan how you will arrange information on the page. Sketch out your design first.

This is worth two quiz grades

Websites for Information:
o (search this site for your house, they have most of them!)

For copy of assignment and full list of houses see Google Classroom.

For good short videos that reconstruct houses in Pompeii see
House of Sallust
House of Caecilius
House of the Faun
Villa of the Mysteries
House of the Vettii
Playlist of 6 videos on Pompeian Houses by Open University

Homework: Research house; watch videos,  print out any images or text that you would like to use in your real estate ad.


Friday October 18

Use this Quizizz set to practice the parts of a Roman House

Keep working on your advertisement until it is as neat and elegant as possible. 

Turn in your finished project to the substitute. 

Practice sentences for Chapter 07

Then take a quiz on the sentences by going to
and enter this code 410916

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Thursday October 10

Wednesday October 9
NL.CLL.4.2 Recognize cultural expectations of people in both the target culture and the students’ culture.
NM.COD.4.2 Identify information about target culture perspectives and practises.
Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL.CLL.2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL.CLL.2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language
NL.CLL.4.3 Recognize examples of cognates and loan words.

Objective: consolidation and review

EQ. How must nouns and adjectives agree? what do case and number mean?

Read carefully the description of a Roman Slave market in your textbook, p. 37; also can be found here.

Then take this quiz: Quia Vocabulary, Grammar and questions on Slavery

When you finish, do this translation exercise: Quia translation of 06 story matching.

Noun-adjective agreement practice. Use the Latin Insults Handout to create three insults. Make sure the nouns and adjectives agree in case, number and gender. If you need help see page 34-35 in text book or ask Magistra Gill.

Handouts: materials for next week.

Study vocabulary for Chapter 06 and notes on noun adjective agreement (or blog) for a quiz on Friday. 

Wednesday October 9 Impersonal Verbs

Wednesday October 9
NL.CLL.4.2 Recognize cultural expectations of people in both the target culture and the students’ culture.
NM.COD.4.2 Identify information about target culture perspectives and practises.
Identify written words and phrases that are similar to words and phrases in the students’ language.
NL.CLL.2.4 Interpret phrases, commands, simple questions and descriptions that are presented with accompanying gestures, intonations, and other visual and auditory clues.
NL.CLL.2.5 Recognize vocabulary and syntax of single words and simple memorized phrases in the target language
NL.CLL.4.3 Recognize examples of cognates and loan words.

Objectives: Use story to answer questions in Latin. Introduce infinitives used with impersonal verbs. 

EQ. How do we use questions from Responde Latine to create Latin sentences using the story? What are impersonal verbs?

Bellwork: Quizizz Chapter 06

Audio for Chapter VI
Story read quickly
Story read with pauses

Guided instruction; Responde Latine. Use the story to answer these questions in Latin: 4-8. 

1. Quis surgit?
2. Qui dormiunt?
3. Quid faciunt servi et ancillae?
4. Quid servi e rivo in villam portant?
5. Cur Cornelius iratus est?
6. Quid Aurelia Corneliam docet?
7. Quid Cornelia facere parat?
8. Quid Cornelia non facit?

Direct instruction: Infinitive with Impersonal Verbs.
  • Certain verbal phrases are said to be impersonal because the subject is "it."
  • Often an impersonal verb takes and infinitive.
  • Examples: 
    • necesse est - it is necessary + infinitive
    • licet + dative- it is permitted + infinitve
    • accidit, accidere, accidit -  it happens (w/acc.) + infinitive
    • decet, decere, decuit -   it is proper, fitting; one should (w/acc.) + infinitive 
    • iuvat, iuvare - it pleases (w/acc.) + infinitive 
    • oportet, oportere, oportuit - it is fitting, one ought or must (w/acc.) + infinitive
Necesse est neque servum neque ancillam reprehendere (line 14-15)
It is necessary to scold neither slave nor slave woman.

Licetne mihi ad latrinam ire
Is it permitted for me to go to the restroom?

Guided and independent instruction:

Quizlet live - corpus humanum

Link to Quizlet Vocabulary Chapter VI (study)
Activity 6e-f nouns and adjective agreement (Google Classroom)